Sunday, 30 June 2013

As Sortes 2010

As Sortes 2010
Grape variety: Godello
Geographical Origin: D.O. Valdeorras
Producer: Bodegas Rafael Palacios

If Godello is fast gaining a name as a top grape for white wines and D.O. Valdeorras as a key region for growing it, so Bodegas Rafael Palacios is perhaps its most renowned exponent. As Sortes has been its flagship wine for some years now, although a new top cuvee is also coming out this year at a stratospheric level (both in terms of winemaking and price!).

As we swirl a glass of this As Sortes, there’s plenty of slightly tart stone fruit on the nose – swathes of apricots and peaches - with a citrus note sat alongside, all this accompanied by a delicate mineral overlay. On the palate, meanwhile, the 2010 vintage is only just beginning to open up for business, thus showing Godello’s ageing potential, especially in the nimble hands of Rafael Palacios. An enormous yet integrated acidity combines with an unctuous and tongue-covering texture. This is serious stuff!

A creaminess and slight toast also come though, especially in the aftertaste, a sign of the well-judged (never overpowering) oak-ageing of this wine. As Sortes 2010 is already top notch, but will definitely improve and gain in complexity over the coming 2/3 years.